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La Pegatina


Buy the group's merchandising in our online store and pick it up at your favorite concert!


Back in Netherlands!

It's been a while since we played our last concert in Netherlands. But this week end we are back to party!!! On Friday the 1st of June we will be in Delft, and on Saturday in Groningen!!! We really like to play in Netherlands. Nice, curious, and respectful people. Really good technical material, organisation and mood!! Here is a concert we made in Vlieland last year! reaaaaaaally nice experience!



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  • La Pegatina said...

    12 years ago

    Hola Alba, doncs ens podràs veure a festes de Torrent amb Bongo Botrako i La Raíz. El 25 de juliol.

  • Alba said...

    12 years ago

    Podrieu baixar un poc més prop de Xàtiva, es que ens encanteu, i em anat a concerts de la gossa sorda, bongo botako, obrint pas, manel la setmana que ve anem als amics de les arts, pero no hi ha manera d´anar a algun concert vostre! i ens morim per vorevos en directe!

  • Inés said...

    12 years ago

    xeic, què bé us ho passeu!! jajaj!! d´això es tracta...