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La Pegatina

#Adrenalina TOUR 2012

Buy the group's merchandising in our online store and pick it up at your favorite concert!


Es Claustre

Time: 21:30h

Zona: Illes Balears

Address and map: Pati Claustre del Carme, 50


People going

#Adrenalina TOUR 2012



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  • Joan petit quan balla said...

    13 years ago

    A Mallorca necessitam un concert vostro! Ningú transmet tanta energia i bon rotllo com voltros!

  • Barto said...

    13 years ago

    Jo tambe esper que qualque dia vengueu a Mallorca, vaig disfrutar molt a s´arenal sound 2012, Un saludo desde Mallorca

  • La Pegatina said...

    13 years ago

    Una mica massa tard, Joan...

  • Joan said...

    13 years ago

    no podeu tocar en cap de setmana??? no hi puc anar desde mallorca... no hi podrieu tocar a mallorca? vos estim :P

  • Joan said...

    13 years ago
