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La Pegatina

#Adrenalina TOUR 2012

Buy the group's merchandising in our online store and pick it up at your favorite concert!


Technical University Delft 170th year (Delft)

Time: h

Zona: Holland


People going

#Adrenalina TOUR 2012



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  • La Pegatina said...

    13 years ago

    Thanks Emiel, hope to come back again and keep doing party!

  • Emiel said...

    13 years ago

    Joh guys, you made a big party on the stage. Thankx for the extra time in the audience, Toppie !

  • La Pegatina said...

    13 years ago

    Hola, Toni, ens vam confondre amb el concert del dia després. Disculpa les molèsties! Esperem que ens puguéssis veure... No series el que ens va tirar els calçotets, oi? jeje

  • Toni el negre said...

    13 years ago

    Perdoneu pero crec que no es gratuït...12,50€ anticipada i 17,50€ en taquilla...almenys aixo posa en la web...per cert el dia 17 es bon festival en Tilburg!!

  • Toni el negre said...

    13 years ago

    I a quina hora per favor?