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La Pegatina

Eureka! TOUR 2013

Buy the group's merchandising in our online store and pick it up at your favorite concert!


La Bouillie à Sosso

Time: 19:00h

More bands: Cabadzi + Nasser + Zebra & Bagad Karaez

Zona: France

Address and map: Espace de la Vallée Verte

Website: www.labouillieasosso.fr


People going

Eureka! TOUR 2013



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  • Mister D said...

    12 years ago

    Is there any guestlist at Cheffois? We dont have tickets, so if the festival is sold out we can't come in... Would be a disaster after 900kms...

  • Mister D said...

    12 years ago

    Were coming all the way from Belgium to see you guys perform! We saw the gigs at Pinkpop and Gentse feesten, so we want to have another gerat party! See you saturday!