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La Pegatina

Revulsiu TOUR 2015

Buy the group's merchandising in our online store and pick it up at your favorite concert!


Sant Vicent del Raspeig
Sala The One

Time: 21:00h

More bands: Caligaris (Argentina)

Zona: Alacant

Address and map: Calle del Bronce, 8, 03690 Sant Vicent del Raspeig

Website: www.salatheone.es


People going

Revulsiu TOUR 2015



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  • Marta Soriano said...

    10 years ago

    Perquè l'entrada és tan cara?

  • La Pegatina said...

    10 years ago

    Sí, tranquils tots, no hi ha marxa enrera!

  • MªJosé said...

    10 years ago

    Iba a decir lo mismo xD Me da cosa comprar la entrada para que luego pase otra vez...

  • Loreto said...

    10 years ago

    Esta volta sense cancelar el concert la semana de antes perfa!