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La Pegatina


Buy the group's merchandising in our online store and pick it up at your favorite concert!


Polé Polé Festival

For the second time we'll be performing at Polé Polé" Festival in Gent (Belgium). 
We really are looking forward to playing there again. Two years we were surprised by the location: The public is separated by the river! And there are boats with people watching the concerts!!
See you tonight at 10:30 pm

Here is the concert we made two years ago.



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  • La Pegatina said...

    12 years ago

    Thank you, Dirk! We can meet again in Belgium this year, because we're going to play at Oostende and Brussels! Check out our agenda!! You can download our forth album on this website, too! ;)

  • Ghislain Dirk said...

    12 years ago

    La Pegatina is the best fun maker.
    Saw you again this year, fantastic!Nice location , Have the three CDs and also wants the fourth.
    Hope to see you often busy!
      nice shots, much entousiasm , amazing guys , much fun with the band!! big hug
    Dirk Ghislain
    Ghent Festivities,
    Ghent 21/07/2013