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La Pegatina


Buy the group's merchandising in our online store and pick it up at your favorite concert!


Back to the North!

Tomorrow we'll fly to Belgium for a "4 days/3 countries" week end. We will be playing in:

- Oostende at Paulusfeesten (Tonight!),
- On Friday in Vlaardingen (Netherlands) at Zomerterras festival,
- On Saturday in Brussels (Belgium) at Brussels Summer Festival
- And on Sunday in Aschaffenburg (Near Frankfurt in Germany) at Afrika Karibik Festival

You can follow us on Twitter: @lapegatina, and mentionning #eurekatour2013
Back to the North!



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  • La Pegatina said...

    12 years ago

    Qué bien! A ver si nos vemos más!

  • nico said...

    12 years ago

    Que puto concierto ayer en Bruselas! Tios, que sois los mejores! Moltes Graciès ! Segunda vez después del Cruilla del año pasado...